Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

(Dean, ECE)
Brief Description
Dr.Pramod Sharma is being associated with the Institute since March 1999 and serves in
Various capacities of academics as well as administrative at the level of Department / Institute
/ University. He also had rich Industrial experience of company’s of repute prior to joining this Institute. He actively involved in the development and implementing innovative instructional methods & professional logistics to improvise student performance. He published more than 25 review / research papers in International and National Journals of repute. He had also published one book on Analog integrated Circuits and presented research papers in various International and National conferences. He has supervised One Ph.D, 4 M.Tech. and more than 35 B.Tech. projects.
Academic Qualification
B.Tech., M.Tech, Ph.D.(ECE)
Designation with Department
Associate Professor
Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Contact No
Ext No: 221
Electronics & Communication Engineering
More than 25 Years of Teaching
Awards and Recognitions
- Selected one project for National Convention of Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards – 2019
Present Area of work
Electronics Circuit Design, VLSI Design
Research Articles/Published/Membership
- Research / Review Articles Published : 37
- Papers presented in Conference: 04
- Book Published : 01
Journals/Academic Achievements
- Workshop / Seminars / Conferences organised : 0
- FDP / Courses / Workshop / Seminars attended : 25