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Vision & Mission

To maintain high academic and ethical standards in the field of Professional & Vocational education and to continuously improve the quality of teaching & learning process with a student-centric approach aimed to develop their intellect and over all personality and to prepare them as worthy professionals.

To keep abreast with the latest developments in education, especially the professional education with focus on awareness, learning, research and development so as to help develop well informed technocrats.

Our Objectives
To impart quality technical education in Engineering and technology, Pharmacy.
To nurture the innovation and creative of students.
To forest the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the students.
To connect with the leading national and international institutions, R & D organization and professional bodies to improve upon the academics.
To develop competence to meet the challange of rapidly changing technological environment.
To strengthen relations with the alumni and involve them in the development of the institute.
To transfer the benefits of research and technological advancement to the society.
To develop synergetic partnership with the industries.
To promote all round development of students and create a sense of social responsibility in them.