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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Amit Agarwal
( Dean of Mech. Engg. Deptt.)
Hod Message

Welcome to Mechanical engineering Department of F.E.T., Raja Balwant Singh Engineering Technical Campus, Bichpuri, Agra. Mechanical engineering is broad-based and often viewed as the unseen foundation of the other engineering disciplines. Any system that involves motion of one form or another invariably requires the inputs of mechanical engineers. Hence, mechanical engineers are involved in the research, development, design and manufacturing of all kinds of products ranging from small devices such as the ubiquitous mobile phone to the largest aircraft and ocean going vessels. Mechanical engineers are also needed in the most sophisticated production facilities especially in the oil industries as well as in water fabrication plants. Our students are provided an education based on the fundamentals, infused with creativity and innovation, and geared to instill a strong ethical responsibility commensurate with the engineering profession, as well as a genuine sense of leadership qualities. As a result our high quality and substantial no. of graduate generate strong interest and support from industries and employers from around the country.  


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